March 1942.
The BBC Scottish Variety
Orchestra conducted by
Ronnie Munro, with Ann
Rich at the microphone.
only has to glance at an
old copy of the 'Radio
Times' from the 1930s to
see that the
entertainment provided
was vastly different from
twenty-first century
radio. No disc-jockeys,
personality presenters or
banal interviews with the
latest non-entity to be
called 'a celebrity'.
Just intelligent speech
programmes and music - a
lot of music - nearly all
of it played live either
in the studio or from
locations around the
country. A wealth of
light orchestras, brass
and military bands
regularly took to the
airwaves as did the
occasional dance band.
Occasional, because the
then Director General of
the BBC, Sir John Reith
did not approve of them,
and as a strict
Presbyterian would
certainly not permit them
on a Sunday!
addition to the 'outside
orchestras', the BBC had
its own staff orchestras
in London and in the
Regions. Until the
mid-thirties, Glasgow had
the Scottish Studio
Orchestra, under the
direction of Guy Daines.
Available records would
suggest that after this
time, whilst this
orchestra still gave the
occasional programme of
Scottish Dance Music, it
had actually become
simply a section of the
BBC Scottish Orchestra -
which still exists today
as the BBC Scottish
Symphony Orchestra.
was late in 1940 that the
BBC decided to form the
Scottish Variety
Orchestra under the
direction of Ronnie
whose experience had
hitherto been primarily
in the dance band world.
Indeed, the new orchestra
had an instrumentation
which would enable it to
play both light music and
dance music - and
anything between. Having
a saxophone section, it
was effectively a
showband, one of its
functions being to
accompany the variety
shows which emanated from
Scotland. It had regular
appearances in 'Music
While You Work'
and in the long-running
series 'Sunday Serenade'
for which Ronnie Munro
penned hundreds of
arrangements. When
Munro's contract as
conductor of the Scottish
Variety Orchestra expired
in 1944 he was replaced
by Kemlo Stephen, the
intention being that
Ronnie Munro should
continue to do 'Sunday
Serenade' but with his
own orchestra, comprised
of session musicians.
This caused quite an
embarrassing incident,
both for the BBC and for
Ronnie Munro. When Kemlo
Stephen went to the BBC
library to get some
arrangements for his
first programme he found
that everything that he
wanted to use had
disappeared! He was then
forced to use stock
arrangements of familiar
pieces - hardly the way
to make an impression on
a first broadcast.
fact was that Ronnie
Munro required the items
for 'Sunday Serenade' and
believing them to be his
property, had removed
them from the library!
They were, after all, his
own arrangements. The
BBC, however, took a
different view and
considered that as they
had commissioned Munro to
do them in the first
place, the arrangements
were theirs!
Consequently, BBC
personnel went to Munro's
house and reclaimed them!
In one of a series of
angry telegrams from
Glasgow the BBC said;
"We will help Munro,
although he little
deserves it!" The
'help' was that the BBC
would lend Munro three
weeks of arrangements,
after which time he was
expected to have done new
ones - some task! But
this paled into
insignificance when, on a
later occasion, his car
was broken into outside
his home and all his
arrangements for the next
day's broadcast were
stolen! Ronnie Munro sat
up all night rewriting
them - a seemingly
impossible task.
Kemlo Stephen, the dance
band element of the
orchestra was toned down
and the emphasis was on
straight light music. At
the end of the war the
orchestra's title was
amended to BBC Scottish
Variety Orchestra. The
prefix BBC had not been
used during Munro's reign
as the orchestra had been
of 'ad hoc' players,
rather than a regular
personnel of BBC staff
musicians. Although Kemlo
Stephen remained as
conductor of the
orchestra for about ten
years, his latter years
were marred by illness
and other conductors were
regularly drafted in to
conduct the orchestra
when he was unable to do
so. The BBC were somewhat
concerned that the
standard of performance
of the orchestra had
deteriorated markedly -
as a direct result of
Stephen's illness, and
demoted the orchestra to
less high profile
programmes. When Kemlo
Stephen died in 1954,
there was much debate
within the BBC as to
whether it was fair to
him, or indeed to
listeners to keep him in
the post when he was
clearly not well enough
to maintain the required
standards. Anyway, after
a period during which a
number of London
conductors, such as Lou
Whiteson, Sidney Bowman
and Reginald Kilbey 'held
the fort', Michael
Collins was appointed
conductor of the
orchestra early in 1955.
During his tenure of
office, standards of
performance improved and
the orchestra gradually
regained their high
profile programmes.
However, he was only
destined to stay for just
over a year. It was
always a problem for the
BBC to entice conductors
away from lucrative
London work to fill
vacancies in the regions.
After several months
during which Arthur
stepped into the breech,
the BBC were able to
secure the services of Jack
an excellent musician
whose own orchestra was
one of the most polished
on the air. However, Jack
Leon was no soft touch.
It was immediately
apparent to him that the
Scottish Variety
Orchestra did not have
the discipline or the
musical prowess of his
hand-picked London
orchestra, and his
efforts to improve
matters did not endear
him to the orchestra.
Unlike Jack
who later became
conductor of the Midland
Light Orchestra,
he did not believe in
socialising with his
players; neither was he
prepared to accept the
fact that some of the
musicians were inclined
to overindulge in drink -
and this resulted in some
early sackings.
24-piece BBC Scottish
Variety Orchestra was
essentially a theatre
orchestra, similar in
size and instrumentation
to Jack Leon's former
orchestra in London and,
in common with many
theatre orchestras used a
couple of saxophones.
These not only added a
certain fullness to the
orchestra's sound, but
could be used very
effectively in show
selections or medleys of
popular tunes.
Unfortunately, the BBC
took a different view.
They were quite happy for
orchestras to use five
saxes - common practice
in most dance bands and,
indeed with the BBC's own
Revue and Variety
Orchestras, but two or
three saxes were deemed
to have 'an aura of the
early thirties!' So, in
1961 the order went out
that they were to be
removed - a bad decision
in my opinion! One
musician who was
displaced was Ian
Gourlay, a founder member
(and singer) with the
orchestra who had often
conducted them when they
were without a regular
conductor, and who had on
one occasion auditioned
(albeit unsuccessfully)
for the position of
conductor. He had also
done many of the
orchestra's arrangements!
Leon and the orchestra
(which was led by Jack
Nugent) participated in a
wide range of programmes
- "Bright
and Early",
on the Move",
"Lunch Date"
with the delightful
singer Kathie Kay and
"Music On the
Move" in which they
played programmes of
Scottish Dance Music (
always an important part
of the orchestra's
repertoire). The
orchestra's accordionist
Archie Duncan was
featured prominently in
these arrangements.
1965 Jack Leon reached
the age of 60, the
retirement age of BBC
employees but Jack did
not want to go! He never
really liked guest
conductors directing what
he perceived to be his
orchestra, and somehow it
would appear that he
secured an extension. His
successor was a young
violinist named Iain
Sutherland, who had shown
a great aptitude for
light music and had
received several test
engagements with the
orchestra. Iain told me
some years ago that there
was a certain tension
between himself and Jack
Leon at this time.
However, Jack finally
retired from the
orchestra in the Summer
of 1966. Not willing to
be put out to graze, it
was not long before Jack
formed another orchestra
for broadcasting.
However, he was only
destined to do a few
broadcasts as, sadly, he
collapsed in the street
in Glasgow, having
suffered a heart attack
from which he died aged
only 61 on 10th March
1967. Jack was a
perfectionist and
regarded by his musicians
as a 'hard task-master',
but his daughter Miriam
remembers him only as a
kind and loving father
from whom she was parted
at the tender age of
orchestra had given noble
service to light music
during Jack Leon's
'reign' but saw Iain
Sutherland as a breath of
fresh air. Here was a
young man, full of
enthusiasm for the genre,
a violinist who had
gained much experience
working with some of the
world's most
distinguished conductors,
including Boult, Sargent,
Groves and Solti. Certain
changes were inevitable,
and Iain, whose favourite
light music composers
were (and still are) Eric
Coates, Robert Farnon and
Leroy Anderson, set about
establishing his own
repertoire, which
included film music and
the lighter classics. One
major change was the name
of the orchestra. As the
London based BBC Variety
Orchestra had merged with
the Revue Orchestra to
form the BBC Radio
Orchestra - this being
the terminology applied
to broadcasting station
orchestras in Europe,
Iain recommended to the
BBC that Glasgow's
orchestra should be
renamed the BBC Scottish
Radio Orchestra. So this
it became in January
1967. The orchestra gave
a weekly Tuesday morning
broadcast in 'Music While
You Work' between April
1967 and the programme's
demise in September of
that year, as well as
playing in all the other
regular light music
slots. It also played for
television, accompanying
singers such as Moira

Brian Fahey
conducting the BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
courtesy of Alan Bunting,
ex-BBC Scotland)
the broader range of
music now being covered
by the orchestra, it was
soon regularly playing
(about twice a week) in
the Radio Four series
'Morning Melody',
broadcast between 10.30am
and 11.30 am each weekday
morning. It was still
light music, but of the
older type - suites and
overtures etc. Iain
remained conductor of the
orchestra until 1972
when, as part of a revamp
of their orchestras, the
BBC completely changed
the structure of the
orchestra, creating what
was to be known as
"The New Scottish
Radio Orchestra"
under the direction of
Brian Fahey, an
experienced conductor,
arranger and composer of
such familiar tunes as
'The Sign of the Swinging
Cymbal'. Incorporating a
full saxophone section,
the orchestra was now
more of a big-band with
strings than a
conventional light
orchestra. Indeed many of
their broadcasts featured
just the dance band
section of the orchestra,
their full complement
being 32 players. The
death-knell had been
sounded for light music
at the BBC some years
previously and to quote
Iain Sutherland:
"Light music isn't
dead, the BBC are in the
process of burying it

Brian Fahey
conducting a section of
the BBC Scottish Radio
courtesy of Alan Bunting,
ex-BBC Scotland)
problem with using the
word 'new' to describe a
musical combination is
that it can't remain
'new' for ever and the
orchestra eventually
reverted to its previous
title. To the envy of the
London-based BBC Radio
Orchestra, their Scottish
counterparts regularly
did television work
accompanying the likes of
Kenneth McKeller, Lena
Martell and Moira
Anderson. Apart from
doing 'holiday relief '
for the Midland Radio
Orchestra in their weekly
'Radio Two Top Tunes'
series, for which they
were augmented, they
recorded 'inserts' for
the many personality
presenters' music and
chat shows which had
taken over from more
imaginative programming.

Fahey (right) speaking to
singer Danny Street
courtesy of Keith Waugh -
of Keith's photos)
The sad
fact was that with the
ever-increasing air-time
being given to what is
laughingly called 'pop
culture' there wasn't
much time available for
studio orchestras, the
costs of which were
becoming disproportionate
to their use. So, in 1980
the BBC announced its
intention to disband most
of the lighter
orchestras, as well as
the Scottish Symphony
Orchestra - but to save
the Scottish Radio
Orchestra. Strike action
followed which seriously
disrupted the Proms.
Incensed musicians took
every opportunity to
state their cause, the
BBC Concert Orchestra and
the BBC Radio Orchestras
giving free concerts on
London park bandstands
with the Scottish Radio
Orchestra doing the same
in Glasgow. The
compromise that ended the
strike saved the Scottish
Symphony at the expense
of the Scottish Radio
Orchestra, which had
previously not even been
considered for
disbandment. The irony
was that whilst the radio
orchestra had fought to
save its classical
counterparts, when the
situation was reversed
nobody lifted a finger in
their defence! Part of
the compromise included a
guarantee that the BBC
would give all displaced
musicians an agreed
number of engagements per
year, for the next five
years. As a unit, the
Scottish Radio Orchestra
was officially disbanded
early in 1981.

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
10.31am on 26th September

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
10.31am on 20th June 1967

to 'Melody Mixture'
played by The BBC
Scottish Variety
conductor: Jack Leon
with guest John Dunbar
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
11.15am on 27th March

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
10.31am on 19th September
played by the BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Iain
on the 19th September
All Workers (Sig)
Sel: Seven Brides for
Seven Brothers
Huapango Mexicano
Song of Mexico
The Irish Washerwoman
Blue Baion
Song of the High Seas
Calling All Workers (Sig) |
Gene de Paul
N. Oliviero
Frank Chacksfield
E. Charles
Robert Docker
Terry Walsh
arr. Fred Hartley
Ronnie Aldrich
Richard Rodgers
Eric Coates |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
10.31am on 30th May 1967
played by the BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Iain
on the 30th May 1967
All Workers (Sig)
Sel: The Sound of Music
Beguine by Night
Singing in the rain
Bach to Bossa
Da Capo
Mississipi Melody
The Big Country
Romanza Sensa Parele
Whiskey Galore
Travelling Free
Calling All
Workers (Sig) |
Richard Rodgers
Eric Winstone
Nacio Herb Brown
John Gregory
George Boulanger
Ernest Tomlinson
Fred Hartley
Laurie Johnson
Eric Coates |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on the BBC
Light Programme at
10.31am on 9th May 1967
played by the BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Iain
on the 9th May 1967
All Workers (Sig)
Annie Get Your Gun
Son of Mexico
Puppet on a String
This Little Piggy
Cuban Boy
Like Young
Carnaby Street Rag
Calling All
Workers (Sig) |
Irving Berlin
Henry Krein
E. Charles
W. Martin/P. Coulter
Eric Jupp
Frank Chacksfield
Andre Previn
R. Peterkeith
Eric Coates |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Variety
conductor: Jack Leon
as broadcast on 9th April
played by the BBC
Scottish Variety
Leader: Dennis McConnell
Conductor: Jack Leon
on the 9th April 1965
All Workers (Sig)
The Hampden
Toujours le Vin Blanc
A Bedouin in Baghdad
. Oh Johnny
. Au Revoir
. In a Little Spanish
. Soft Shoe Song
. The Trolley Song
Serenade No 1
The Donkey Serenade
Tickled Pink
Italian Medley:
. Funiculi Funicula
. O Sole Mio
. La Donna e Mobile
. Sorrento
. La Danza
. La Mattinate
The Bluebell Polka
Shepherd of the Hills
Lowdown on the Hoedown
Lily of Laguna
Harry Lauder Favorites
. I love a Lassie
. Roamin' in the Gloamin'
. So we Parted on the
. Stop yer tickling Jock
. Keep Right on to the
End of the Road
Calling All
Workers (Sig) |
Fred Hartley
Charles Danvers
arr.Anthony Fones
Jimmy Leach
Jimmy Leach
arr.Leon Young
Toselli arr. Cyril
Rudolph Friml arr. Ronald
Fred Hartley
arr. Ronald Hanmer
Luigi Denza
De Curtis &
Fred Stanley
arr. Brian Fahey
Nicholls arr. Brian Fahey
Brian Fahey
Leslie Stuart
arr. Leon Young
arr. Leon
Coates |

to 'Music While You Work'
played by The BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
conductor: Iain
as broadcast on 6th June
played by the BBC
Scottish Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Iain
on 6th June 1967
All Workers (Sig)
Selection: Oklahoma
Regency Beguine
One Note Samba
Geisha in Park Lane
The Early Bird
The Magnificent Seven
Mexican Doll
Jaunting Car
South of the Border
Calling All Workers (Sig) |
Richard Rodgers
Ivor Slaney
Freed and Brown Arr.
Jobim and Mendonca Arr.
R. Peterkeith
Ron Goodwin Arr.D.Lowes
Elmer Bernstein Arr.
Geoff Alderson
Louis Rey Arr.Gordon
Peter Hope
Jimmy Kennedy
Eric Coates |

to The BBC Scottish
Variety Orchestra
conducted by Jack Leon
playing 'Spider's Web' by
Peter Yorke
(60 second